We support young talents

Young Talents@ECE program

The goal of our Young Talents@ECE program is to assist and support our young employees in launching their careers, help them network with others, and promote loyalty to our company. We offer exciting events, social gatherings, and interdisciplinary talks specifically for our interns, degree students participating in work–study programs, vocational trainees, young people in cooperative education programs, and internal trainees.

Program benefits

Bei der ECE durchstarten

Getting started at ECE

  • We welcome you to the company at a welcoming event.
  • You will be well equipped for success with our starter kit that includes a power bank, tote bag, and travel mug.
  • You’ll find further information in our Young Talent section on the intranet.
  • A specific employee in HR and in the respective department will be your point of contact for any questions and to provide you with feedback.
Die ECE kennenlernen

Getting to know ECE

  • You will receive a newsletter with exciting news.
  • We regularly provide you with constructive feedback.
  • You are warmly invited to the regular Young Talents lunches. 
  • You will learn more about our projects at various specialized lectures and networking events.
  • We regularly invite you to take tours of our shopping centers and construction sites. 
  • Our recruiting specialists will conduct interview training with you and provide you with useful tips.
  • You can regularly network with other young coworkers at casual after-work events. 
Mit der ECE in Kontakt bleiben

Keeping in touch with ECE

  • Your contacts from both the specific department and HR will provide you with detailed feedback at the end of the application process.
  • We actively ask for your feedback and are happy to follow up on your ideas.  
  • We will gladly discuss your career options with ECE upon request. 
  • You can then join our Xing group and our talent pool. 


Send any questions to Stefano Mattana,
your contact for Young Talents

Phone: +49-40-60606-6365

Contact via e-mail >

Partnerships with universities

We cooperate with numerous universities to ensure that young talents become aware of ECE and get to know us during their studies. You can learn more about us through guest lectures, professional discussion groups, career events, excursions, and case studies at the following universities:

  • HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration
  • EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht
  • HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • IREBS at the University of Regensburg
  • HCU HafenCity University
  • EUFH European University of Applied Sciences
  • Nordakademie Elmshorn

Our university partnerships not only promote an exciting dialogue with students, they also provide an enriching platform for our employees to gather new ideas through training measures, lectures, and workshops.

Available positions at a glance

Do you want to develop your skills with us?
Then learn more about the career opportunities at ECE or take a look at our job board.