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Sustainable action is of central importance to us and is therefore an integral part of our corporate strategy.
We are committed to the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement. We consistently align our business activities with long-term value creation. The basis for this is a holistic sustainability strategy. After all, we want to take responsibility for the society in which we do business: For our employees, for the properties we develop and manage, for the cities in which we operate, and for the efficient and careful use of the resources we deploy.
The Green Deal aims to make Europe the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. We are committed to the 1.5 degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement.
For us, one thing is certain: ESG (Environmental Social Governance) is a central component of our business activities. We have been pursuing a holistic sustainability strategy for years and have made ESG criteria a firm anchor of our corporate culture. The focus is on six fields of action that encompass the entire ECE Group: Energy, resources, sustainable mobility, well-being, employees and sustainable trends.
Over 100 pages of concentrated information on how we are shaping change with passion and foresight. We hope you enjoy reading our ECE business and sustainability report #FUTUREFORWARD. Feel free to choose between the PDF elevation or the interactive microsite!
To demonstrate the quality of our buildings in terms of sustainability aspects, we rely on recognized green building certification systems and a voluntary commitment to sustainable corporate management.
These include the seal of approval of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), which is aimed at both new and existing buildings. In addition, we certify existing buildings and buildings in other European countries in accordance with the BREEAM and LEED certification standards. All these certifications are internationally established for evaluating sustainable construction and the optimization of existing properties and are a yardstick for our sustainable actions.