In all its activities, ECE Work & Live is always aware of its responsibility - towards the investor as well as towards the user and the environment.
We therefore implement our sustainability codes with clear objectives in all new construction projects. Decisions on the use and application of individual elements are made on the basis of economic and ecological/social benefits. The ESG criteria for our asset classes are regularly reviewed and adapted to the growing requirements.
"Foresight in terms of sustainability and ESG has earned us numerous certificates according to DGNB standards and BREEAM. This makes us a leader in this field throughout Germany, and we are constantly opening up new asset classes and business areas."
Ob im Bereich Wohnen, Hotels, Logistik oder Büro – in allen Assetklassen prüfen wir sowohl bei Neubau- als auch Konversionsprojekten klimafreundliche Energiekonzepte, genauso wie LED-Beleuchtungskonzepte und die Installation von Photovoltaikanlagen. Auch standardmäßige Dach- und Fassadenbegrünungen werden individuell untersucht.
Darüber hinaus spielt neben dem Aufbau einer Ladeinfrastruktur für E-Fahrzeuge die Verwendung von nachhaltigen Baustoffen und Holzkonstruktionen eine wichtige Rolle. Ein weiterer bedeutsamer Hebel, der uns dabei hilft, die Klimaziele zu erreichen, ist der bewusste und verantwortungsvolle Verbrauch von Ressourcen. Dazu zählen der schonende Umgang mit Bauland und Flächenrecycling, die Dauerhaftigkeit und universelle Nutzbarkeit von Gebäuden sowie ihr problemloser Umbau – oder ggf. sogar ihr Rückbau.
In line with the "New Leipzig Charter", which was adopted by the European urban development ministers in 2020, and our ECE Housing Code', ECE creates sustainable and flexibly usable living space for all population groups. For example, at Quartier Elbrücken in Hamburg's Hafen City, our sustainability concept goes beyond the conventional, certification-relevant issues. After completion, each construction site will not only be awarded the PLATIN of the HafenCity Ecolabel, but will also meet further targets for more sustainable construction. In addition to the sustainable use of energy resources and the use of environmentally friendly building products, special attention is also paid to the health and comfort of the occupants. High energy standards minimize energy consumption during operation. The use of CO2-reduced cements in the concrete elements saves more than 10% emissions compared with a comparable building. Thus, all measures can save around 4,000 t of CO2.
Our focus is on holistic solutions for forward-looking logistics centers. From the stakeholder's point of view, two factors are decisive for an investment decision: economic efficiency and sustainability. We rely on intelligent concepts and innovative technologies that protect the environment and resources in equal measure and ensure the highest standards in the realization of logistics properties. We are committed to this as part of our Logistics Code of Conduct. For example, our logistics properties are characterized by, among other things, a rainwater cycle using infiltration technology, the use of environmentally compatible insulating materials, prefitting for the use of photovoltaic systems, and the use of wooden roof trusses as a renewable raw material. Our resource-saving energy management includes natural lighting to reduce energy consumption and LED lighting concepts. Our focus is on climate-friendly logistics centers, the expansion of e-mobility, multi-story city logistics, and the improvement of the microclimate through facades and green roofs.
In addition to the location and the special features of the surroundings, economic and social sustainability also come into focus. For the Düsseldorf 25 Hours Hotel, for example, we focused on the highest requirements for building materials in terms of environmental compatibility and good indoor air quality. Also essential in the planning is a flexible structure and floor plan design as well as the highest level of accessibility, e.g. through supplementary acoustic information and a high-contrast color design.
Our Motel One hotel project in Cologne's MesseCity is again characterized by the use of space that had already been allocated to a previous use. In addition, a flexibility concept ensures conversion over decades of operation. Optimal operation is achieved through energy, measurement and monitoring concepts as well as life cycle cost planning accompanying the planning process.
Together with our customers, we develop modern and sustainable office concepts. In the "Campus Hamburg" office project, we rely on low-emission building materials, certified wood products, natural stone and a green roof. Charging stations for e-mobility and a bicycle-friendly infrastructure promote sustainable mobility. The IQ Watermark and Shipyard in Hamburg's Hafen City, on the other hand, place the highest demands on building materials in terms of environmental compatibility, resulting in very good indoor air quality. The very good heat transfer coefficients exceed the requirements of the Building Energy Act (GEG). Contributing factors include solar control glazing and exterior solar shading systems, which significantly reduce the amount of heat entering the building. Internal noise pollution is reduced to a minimum by exceeding the standards.
Without consistent digitization of real estate and building operations, the real estate industry will not be able to achieve the increasingly demanding climate and sustainability targets. For example, digital connectivity of buildings is the basis for energy-efficient and networked building technology - such as in the Campus Hamburg project, which was awarded WiredScore's Platinum certificate for best-in-class connectivity in buildings even before its completion. Objective and consistent reporting on consumption, usage intensity or availability creates transparency that enables all users of a building to make the right decisions and thus make their contribution to sustainability.