ECE wins MAPIC Award for its energy refurbishment roadmap

ECE has been awarded the MAPIC Award 2022 for the Energetic Refurbishment Roadmap it has developed and offers to the market. With the award in the category "Best Sustainable Retail Initiative", the jury recognized the Energy Refurbishment Roadmap of ECE Marketplaces, which was presented for the first time this year and implemented as a pilot project, as a particularly innovative, effective and sustainable initiative in the retail real estate sector.

The MAPIC Award has been presented annually at the MAPIC retail trade fair since 1996 for particularly outstanding, innovative and creative achievements in the retail real estate sector.

"ESG and climate neutrality play a very significant role in the current transformation of the retail real estate industry. We are therefore very pleased to receive this award for our Energy Refurbishment Roadmap: a unique tool for the building refurbishment of shopping centers that shows our partners how they can successfully follow the path to climate neutrality with us," said Joanna Fisher, CEO of ECE Marketplaces at the award ceremony yesterday in Cannes.

The aim of the Energy Refurbishment Roadmap is to develop an individual and long-term oriented action plan for shopping center owners with which the desired goal of climate neutrality by 2045 can be achieved as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible, in order not only to avoid climate-damaging emissions, but also in particular to meet future legal standards and the taxonomy requirements and thus to sustainably secure the value retention of the property.

The respective shopping center properties are analyzed individually, holistically and with all their interactions as part of the energy refurbishment roadmap, necessary measures are developed and then an integrated action plan is proposed that can be integrated into the asset strategy.

For more information on the Energy Refurbishment Roadmap, see:

Energy renovation roadmap (




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Lukas Nemela

Tel.: 040 60606 6898
